Chiv Packing Quad Sealing Hnab
Kev tiv thaiv zoo:
Sawv ntsug Pouchesare manufactured using high-quality barrier materials that provide excellent resistance against contaminants, such as moisture, oxygen, and light. Qhov no pab kom tswj tau qhov tshiab thiab ua haujlwm ntawm cov kua chiv.
Sab Gusset Pouches Maximizes lub peev xwm cia tau txij li lawv square tawm tom qab tau sau. They have gussets on both sides and an inclusive fin-seal runs from top to bottom with horizontal sealing at both the top-side and the bottom-side. Sab saum toj-sab yog feem ntau sab laug qhib rau txhaws cov ntsiab lus.
Cov tshuaj yej me me rov qab ntim cov hnab ntim muaj qhov ncauj yooj yim lub qhov ncauj, cov luam ntawv zoo nkauj, thiab cov nyhuv tag nrho yog qhov zoo nkauj. Cov hnab ntim roj me me uas tau yooj yim rau nqa, qis dua tus nqi, thiab yooj yim dua rau khw. Back-sealed bags have larger packaging space and increased capacity than three-side sealed bags.