Txoj moo
Lub neej tsis kawg ntawm kev lag luam ntim khoom
Tuam Tshoj tau nyuam qhuav ntsib dua "ob lub kaum ib" kev ua koob tsheej. Nws tau siv los ua cov neeg hluas tso dag txog, thiab tam sim no nws tau txhim kho mus rau hauv ib qho kev nce qib khoom lag luam ntawm National Khw Tsoom Fwv. Txhua txoj kev taug kev ntawm lub neej muaj ushered nyob rau hauv ib tug y ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Lub ntim yas ntim xaiv ME NYIFENG yas, qhov zoo yog lav
Cov ntim yas ntim yog ib qho ntawm cov khoom noj tsis muaj npe. There are not many packaging companies with beautiful printing, excellent workmanship and guaranteed after-sales. China Yantai Meifeng Plastic Packaging Co., Ltd. is definitely a packaging company that is well-received i...Nyeem ntxiv -
Cov hnab nrov nrov hauv qab Pouches (Box Pouches)
Yim yim-sab-ntim cov ntim ntim pom pom rau lub qhov muag liab qab hauv khw muag khoom thiab cov khw muag khoom hauv Suav teb muaj ntau yam khoom lag luam. The most common nut kraft paper packaging bags, snack packaging, juice pouches ,coffee packaging, pet food packaging, etc. Th...Nyeem ntxiv -
Kraft cov ntawv xim kas fes hnab nrog valve
Raws li cov neeg muaj ntau dua thiab ntau dua kev hais txog qhov zoo thiab saj ntawm kas fes, yuav kas fes taum rau kev sib tsoo no tau dhau los ua cov hluas niaj hnub no. Since the packaging of coffee beans is not an independent small package, it needs to be sealed in time after...Nyeem ntxiv -
Kua Kua Haus Haus Cov Khaub Ncaws Ntim Dej Hiav Txwv
Lub hnab ntim khoom yog qhov dej haus tshiab tshiab thiab cov hnab ntim Jelly tsim los ntawm cov hnab ris uas sawv ntsug. The structure of the spout bag is mainly divided into two parts: the spout and the stand-up pouches. The structure of the stand-up pouch is the same as that of the ordinary fo...Nyeem ntxiv -
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- Kev noj zaub mov yog thawj qhov kev xav tau ntawm cov neeg, yog li ntim khoom noj yog qhov kev lag luam hauv lub teb chaws kev lag luam. Food packaging has become a way for people to express emotions,...Nyeem ntxiv
- Cov khoom noj ntim khoom noj yog qhov tseem ceeb kom ntseeg tau tias kev thauj mus los, kev tsheb thauj khoom tsis raug mob ib puag ncig sab nraud thiab kev txhim kho tus nqi ntawm cov khoom lag luam. With the continuous improvement of residents' quality of life, the...Nyeem ntxiv
- Cov nqi nce rau cov dev, miv, thiab lwm cov tsiaj cov khoom noj rau kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb kev lag luam hauv cov tsiaj muaj nqis. As premium dog, cat and other pet food has become more expensive fo...Nyeem ntxiv
- Ntau yam ntim ntau yam ntawm cov lag luam tau tshwm sim hauv khw niaj hnub no, thiab ntau hom ntim ntim kuj tau tshwm sim hauv kev lag luam yas. There are ordinary and most common three-side sealing bags, as well as four-side sealing bags, back-sealing bags, back-seal...Nyeem ntxiv
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[TSHWJ XEEB] Ntau tus style ntawm yim-sab sealing Ca dej hauv qab hnab
Qhov thiaj li hu ua tshwj xeeb hais txog kev customized txheej txheem hauv cov neeg siv khoom siv cov ntaub ntawv kho thiab ntau thiab tsawg thiab cov qauv xim. Nws yog ib qho txheeb ze rau cov txheej txheem ntau lawm uas tsis muab cov xim taug qab thiab ntau thiab ...Nyeem ntxiv