
Hauv qab Gusset Pouches

  • Cat Litter Stand up pouches with Italic Hand has a slanted handle design, the handle with plastic material will not restrain the hand, the material of the packaging bag itself is soft, the hand feeling is good, and the toughness is excellent, and there will Tsis muaj ib lub hnab toast. At the same time, the bottom is flat design, which can make the bag stand up and increase the capacity at the same time, which not only ensures the appearance, but also takes into account the practicality.

  • Khoom Noj Khoom Haus Ntim Sawv Tote Hnab

    Khoom Noj Khoom Haus Ntim Sawv Tote Hnab

    Cov zaub mov ntim khoom muag muag tote hnab ntim cov hnab ntim feem ntau siv rau kev yuav khoom noj khoom haus, uas muaj kev nyab xeeb thiab siv tau zoo. Qhov loj me, cov khoom siv, tuab thiab logo yog txhua tus customizable, nrog qhov chaw siab tawv, yooj yim mus rub tawm, chaw khaws khoom loj, thiab khoom lag luam yooj yim.